What is the Department of Periodontology?
It is a branch of dentistry that examines the health of hard and soft tissues around teeth and implants, and aims to diagnose and treat the disease of these tissues and to protect the health obtained after treatment.
What do healthy gums look like?
Health gingiva has an appearance that does not bleed spontaneously or during oral care, is light pink in color, has a tight consistency, is not swollen, and ends by thinning like a knife edge on the tooth surface.
gum diseases
gum diseases It starts with simple gingivitis (gingivitis). Bleeding and redness in the gums is the most obvious finding. If left untreated, it can progress to severe infections (periodontitis), in which the jaw bones melt and the teeth are lost by shaking. With the disease, the gums swell, redden, bleed and recede. Tooth lengthens, teeth change places, gaps occur, teeth begin to shake, bad breath occurs. In smokers, bleeding is less felt due to the effects of nicotine on the vessels, which can mask the disease and prevent it from being noticed.
Are there other causes of gum disease?
Royal reason Although there is microbial dental plaque, diseases such as smoking and diabetes are risk factors that facilitate the occurrence of the disease.


Is there a link between gum disease and general health?
The first signs of many diseases appear in the mouth. Although gingival diseases are mainly caused by plaque accumulation on the teeth, some systemic diseases affect the tissues around the teeth. Uncontrolled diabetes increases the severity of gum disease. On the other hand, gum diseases also threaten general health. The mechanisms of occurrence of periodontal diseases and heart diseases are similar, and the incidence of heart attack in people with oral infections is 25% higher than in individuals without infection. In uncontrolled diabetes patients, gingival treatment also positively affects diabetes. In addition, gum diseases can cause problems such as premature birth and low birth weight in pregnant women.
The first step of the treatment is the removal of hard deposits on the teeth with special tools by your doctor. In order for the treatment to be successful, you will be taught how to clean the disease-causing microbial dental plaque with the right technique with a brush and dental floss. In simple gingivitis, this treatment alone may be sufficient. In more severe infections, periodontal surgical procedures performed under local anesthesia may be required to treat inflamed, enlarged or receding gingiva, cavities called 'pockets' between the teeth and gums due to bone resorption, and bone resorption. After all these applications, patients are taken to 3-6-9-12 month check-ups to maintain their gingival health. How often you will come for control will be determined by your doctor according to the severity of the disease and the presence of some risk factors. Your brushing and interface cleaning will be re-evaluated at each check-up. The success of gingival treatment is directly related to the patient's compliance and motivation to the treatment.
With the treatment, it is aimed to stop the progression of the disease, to enable the patient to clean effectively by himself, and to keep the natural teeth of the individuals in the mouth for many years in a way that they can function comfortably. After a successful gingival treatment, the gingiva becomes light pink in color, non-bleeding and hard-consistent, the swaying of the teeth regresses, and the problem of bad breath disappears.
Gingival recessions are a common problem in our society. Incorrect and hard brushing, osteoporosis due to gingival disease, congenitally thin gingival structure, uncontrolled orthodontic treatment and faulty dentures that put pressure on the gingiva can cause gingival recession. As a result of gingival recession, aesthetic and sensitivity problems may occur. If gingival recession makes brushing difficult and progresses in regular controls, it should be treated. If you think that your gingival recession is causing an aesthetic problem, you can have it successfully treated with contemporary treatment methods applied today and specially planned for the person.
What is Halitosis (Bad Breath)? How Is It Treated?
Halitosis is Latin for the expression of unpleasant odors in the breath. Bad breath is a common problem and can affect individuals of different ages. Bad breath can occur due to extraoral and intraoral reasons. Extraoral causes of bad breath include sinusitis, diabetes, kidney disease, gastric reflux and esophageal problems. Oral causes include gingival diseases and osteoporosis, rotten teeth, broken teeth, incorrectly made fillings and prostheses, crooked teeth, semi-impacted wisdom teeth and implant infections. If there is a bad breath problem, all areas in the mouth that will increase food accumulation should be diagnosed and treated with a deep and detailed dental examination. Patients should brush their teeth regularly, use the interface cleaning agents and antimicrobial toothpaste and mouthwashes recommended by their physicians. If bad breath still cannot be eliminated, tongue cleaning is emphasized. Patients should clean their tongue surfaces with tongue cleaner and cold water in the evening. If the cause of bad breath is of systemic origin, the patient should be directed to the relevant physician.
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